A part of being a resident of Grace House will be for each woman to take the time and put in the thought and effort necessary to build a firm foundation on which to base the rest of her life. The goal is growth toward a life that is as whole and productive as possible. One element of growth and development that is often overlooked is the spiritual. At Grace House, this will be a primary focus.
It is hoped that each woman who comes to live with us will have a personal experience with Jesus Christ through integration in a faith community and study of the Word. This encounter and exploration can open new doors of understanding and lead to a radical changing of one’s life.
There will be opportunity for one-on-one discipleship as well as Bible Study. Classes will be offered in house on various aspects of Christian living and the women will be able to attend events in the community such as church, concerts and special speakers that will provide inspiration and depth to their lives.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program that can help individuals find and maintain abstinence from addiction. It is fortunate that this program is available right in the village of Canton so that the residents will be able to avail themselves of it in addition to other self-help programs.
The atmosphere of Grace House will be God-centered. The women will join together for devotions once a day, meals will commence with grace, and communal prayer will be said in time of any need of a woman or the house. We will also pray for our benefactors.
We believe in and stand on Luke 6:48 for our women. On the solid Rock we stand
…and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2